Guy Smith
Guy Smith, BA, MBus
Senior Buyer’s Agent and Registered Valuer, Brisbane
After more than a decade valuing property in Brisbane, Guy wanted to use his expertise and local knowledge to help buyers avoid costly mistakes he often saw as a valuer. Becoming a Buyer’s Agent was the perfect fit and Guy has now personally sourced and negotiated more than one hundred property purchases for valued clients in Brisbane, with prices ranging from five hundred thousand to over five million dollars.
With so much professional assistance for sellers, but very little for buyers, Guy’s mission is to even the playing field, utilising his vast local experience to ensure clients make the most of their hard earned money and avoid costly mistakes.
Focusing on inner and middle ring Brisbane suburbs, Guy specialises in purchasing for home buyers between one and three million dollars and also excels assisting investors and home buyers in lower price brackets.
Whether a home buyer or investor, my aim is to be proud of every purchase I make, listen closely to clients needs, treat everyone with respect and utilise my local knowledge, experience and contacts to the benefit of my buyers.
Guy Edward Smith ABN 81 039 120 348